Quilt Labels to Love – Zoom Lecture by David Owen Hastings
April 14 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A simple and beautiful quilt label is like a signature on a piece of art, and I truly believe quilts are art! Learn my techniques for creating labels that preserve the important details of your creations.
I combine computer-printed custom labels with a woven logo label on my quilts to give them a professional finish, and to record important details for posterity (or for the recipient). Quilts are a wonderful art form, and you should sign your work with a distinctive label. It’s a great opportunity for you to consistently brand your quilts, especially those you gift to others at holidays or other special occasions.
It’s also an opportunity to weave in the story of your quilt, so the story doesn’t get lost. Was the quilt made for a special occasion? Was it made from a pattern, based on tradition, or is it a unique design? Who were the makers, and where was it made? Are there special fabrics used that require particular care? Imagine someone seeing your creation in the future: what would you want them to know?
I will walk participants through the steps to create these beautiful labels and will share alternate labeling methods that draw from my graphic design background.
Zoom link will be provided here closer to the date (members log in to see it).