12 events found.
Saturday Sew In
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Please join us Saturday January 18 from 9am – 4pm (or part of the day) in Lyle Buck Hall for a day of sewing and laughter. One of the best parts is having people from both the night meeting and the day meeting joining together. Plenty of room for everyone to spread out and sew.
Adding Color to Cloth – Kevin Womack Zoom Lecture
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Adding Color to Cloth – A Zoom Lecture by Kevin Womack Business meeting at 6:30pm Lecture at 7pm In this informative and fun lecture, explore the many ways of adding color to cloth. Learn the differences in […]
Trends in Color and Design in the Quilting World – In person lecture
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Trends in Color and Design in the Quilting World -In Person Lecture by Carly Mul In Person Lecture at 10am (please arrive early!) Business meeting after the lecture (no show and tell today) Carly’s eye for color is well known in the quilting world. Customers have used her knowledge for their projects, she wrote a […]
Intro to Collage – Scissors – In Person Workshop
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Intro to Collage – Scissors Collage – In person Workshop by Carly Mul This workshop is to introduce students to color collage. It’s an entry level collage class, great for every level. Many students in the class have expressed that this class has changed the way they look at fabrics and color. It has a […]
$30.00 – $40.00
Saturday Sew In
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Please join us Saturday February 15 from 9am – 4pm (or part of the day) in Lyle Buck Hall for a day of sewing and laughter. One of the best parts is having people from both the night meeting and the day meeting joining together. Plenty of room for everyone to spread out and sew.
Morning Meeting – Love Quilt Work Day
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Weekly Meeting – Thursdays 10am; Business meeting at 11:00am We will work on Love Quilts during the meeting and continue in the afternoon as well. Please stay to help out if possible!
Friday Afternoon Happy Hours
Sew along with other members from the comfort of your own sewing space. Join in shared conversation with all participants.
Saturday Sew In
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Please join us Saturday March 15 from 9am – 4pm (or part of the day) in Lyle Buck Hall for a day of sewing and laughter. One of the best parts is having people from both the night meeting and the day meeting joining together. Plenty of room for everyone to spread out and sew.
Saturday Evening Forum
Sew together with fellow members from your own sewing space. Share conversation with all participants.
Evening Meeting- Zoom Meeting
Zoom Weekly Meeting – Mondays 7pm Members log in to see zoom link Faithful Circle is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Monday Evening Zoom Meeting Time: Mar 17, 2025 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85959104896?pwd=mBPjTK8s5Rpdxt8M09a3VZWboysbgf.1 Meeting ID: 859 5910 4896 Passcode: 672785 — One tap mobile +13017158592,,85959104896#,,,,*672785# […]
Morning Meeting
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County 9325 Presbyterian Circle, Columbia, MD, United States
Weekly Meeting – Thursdays 10am; Business meeting at 11:00am
Friday Afternoon Happy Hours
Sew along with other members from the comfort of your own sewing space. Join in shared conversation with all participants.